Welcome to Starry's Grove


Welcome to my clearing in the forest!
This site is mobile friendly! (^v^)
Here you'll find my artwork, a list of books/
webcomics I like to read, cool plant and nature info, my pixel collection (blinkies, stamps, buttons), and my blog.
The links in the nav bar are a WIP, however, a few may have some content.
Click on the tree to return to the home page! I hope you enjoy your stay, help yourself to some fruit pie on the way out

lily of the valley divider

About the Webmaster...

Hi I'm Starry! (She/Her) (◍•ᴗ•◍)

I'm your local shut-in artist that likes video games, plants, and other cool nature things.
I was inspired by loveweb to make my own website and add some more creativity to the web.

Hobbies: making art, gaming, watching anime
Current Game Brainrot: Stardew Valley,
Splatoon 3, Hades, Persona 4

lily of the valley divider

Plant Pets

lily of the valley divider
Rawr Means I Love You Stamp I Love Frogs Stamp Chikorita Stamp field of clovers stamp Animal Crossing Addict Stamp its more important to be nice stamp 'I Support Grass Stamp' i love wooper stamp field of tupips stamp